Mark Your Calendar!


North Country Food Alliance (NCFA) moves tons of high quality food every week and builds food sovereignty through community gardens and meals. As a community-funded organization, we're only able to continue this work with the support of thousands of donors, and we need your help through this transitionary period. See below for things you can do!

NCFA Benefit Show

Saturday, September 7th
7:30pm to 1am
Part Wolf MPLS (formerly the Nomad) 

Feed your ears to keep the people fed!

NCFA is raising money to help us overcome unexpected costs from vehicle repairs, moving our office space, and replacing staff earlier this year. Join us at Part Wolf to enjoy great folk and folk-punk music and support food justice in the Twin Cities!

Wooden Shoe Ramblers
Willow and the Earth Tones
My Mom's Guitar
Misha Louis

501 Cedar Ave, Minneapolis (map)

7:00 doors. Music at 7:30. $5 Cover.

Create a Facebook Fundraiser

Raising money for NCFA is easy! You can create a fundraiser on Facebook and encourage your friends and family to donate. Once the fundraiser is over, Facebook transfers the money to NCFA.

Create your own fundraiser by clicking the button below!

Donate Online

NCFA is a small nonprofit that depends entirely on the generosity of the community to share healthy food with those in need. With your help, we feed thousands of people every week.Please use the button below to donate online and sustain our programs!

Thank you for your continued support!